
FAQ - Owner

Which booking options are available?
Will I receive a deposit for each booking? How much is the deposit?
What happens in case of cancellation?
Can prices be changed and is it possible to create promotions such as Last minute deals?
Why do I have to provide my bank details?
Can I specify what kind of customers can book my accommodation?
How can I benefit by the fact that I offer my accommodation at Best of Croatia?
Who cares about in answering the customer inquiries?
How does do I get my login credentials?

Why Best of Croatia ?

  • Best Price Guaranteed
  • No booking fees
  • Thousands of satisfied customers
  • Numerous objects with direct-booking option
  • Intelligent search function with numerous useful filter options
  • Extensive travel guide with lots of pictures and videos over 500 pages
  • Detailed beach guide with more than 700 beaches